Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash

I may not be the same as you

My brain works differently from yours

I may not say or spell the way you want me too

I am me

Some days my brain is in a Storm!

Trying to fit in everywhere I go

I want to speak out without being corrected

I am scared I’m being judged

Afraid to join in on celebration occasion

I am totally overthinking, overthinking, overthinking

I may not be the same as you

I am wired differently

I am in sensory overload

I am me

Some days my brain is in a Storm!

Why do I try to fit in everywhere I go?

Why can’t I want to speak out without being corrected?

Why should I be scared I’m being judged?

Why not just join in on a celebration occasion?

Stop it!!  overthinking, overthinking, overthinking

I may not be the same as you

I am wired differently

I am in sensory overload

Some days my brain is in a Storm!