Hey there, it’s Rachel here. Thought I’d share a bit about myself and what I’m up to these days.

I’m married to Wayne and we’ve got two grown-up kids, Anna and Luke. Our house is pretty lively with our two chugs (that’s pug-chihuahua mixes for those who don’t know), Daisy and Rosie.

I’ve had quite a few different jobs over the years. Started out in banking, then became a personal trainer and massage therapist. Owned my own business for a while too. Now I’m a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business and I chair the OP Neurodiversity Community of Practice.

Teaching is my thing these days. I love shaking things up in the classroom and getting students to think differently. Being neurodiverse myself, I’m big on making sure everyone gets a fair go, no matter how their brain works.

Just finished my Master of Professional Practice, looking at how we can help neurodiverse students succeed in vocational education. It’s something I really care about.

Taking time to reflect on my experiences as a neurodivergent person has been really helpful. I think about what’s happened, write stuff down, chat with others, and try to learn from it all. It’s helped me turn some of my challenges into strengths.

That’s me in a nutshell. Always keeping busy and trying to make a difference where I can.