Hey everyone, Rachel here. Thought I’d share a bit about what it’s like living and working with dyslexia and ADHD. It’s been quite a ride, let me tell you.

First off, having dyslexia and ADHD isn’t always easy. Words jump around on the page, and my mind races faster than I can keep up. But over the years, I’ve learned to work with my brain instead of fighting it.

In my work life, it’s been a mix of challenges and unexpected benefits. Sure, paperwork can be a nightmare, and sitting still in long meetings is tough. But my ADHD also gives me loads of energy and ideas. And dyslexia? It’s made me a creative problem solver. I see patterns others miss.

Reflection has been key for me. I take time to think about my day, what worked, what didn’t. Writing things down helps, even if spelling isn’t my strong suit. I’ve learned to use tech to my advantage - text-to-speech apps are lifesaving.

One thing I’ve realised is how important it is to be open about my neurodiversity. It’s helped me connect with students who struggle too. They see that you can succeed even if your brain works differently.

Some days are harder than others. But I’ve learned to celebrate my wins, no matter how small. Have you been able to finish a report? That’s a win. Got through a meeting without zoning out? Winning!

Looking back, I wouldn’t change my brain even if I could. It’s made me who I am. It’s why I’m passionate about neurodiversity in education. Everyone deserves a chance to shine, no matter how their brain is wired.

So if you’re out there struggling with dyslexia or ADHD, know you’re not alone. It gets better. You’ll find your strengths. And remember, different isn’t less - it’s just different.

That’s all for now. Keep being your awesome, unique self!